Brewed to Inspire: The Story Behind Slingshot Coffee with Jenny Bonchack

Brewed to Inspire: The Story Behind Slingshot Coffee with Jenny Bonchack

At our core, we believe in the power of movement—whether it's running faster, jumping higher, or flying free. These mantras resonate deeply within us, reflecting the ambition and tenacity that drive our community. Today, we spotlight an inspiring figure who embodies this spirit: a visionary entrepreneur who transformed her passion for coffee into a groundbreaking business. Join us as we explore Jenny Bonchack's journey, from humble beginnings to creating a nationally recognized cold brew coffee company.

P.F. Flyers x Jenny Bonchack

Shop The Center Allston in Wood/Ash

Q: Our brand mantra is: "Run faster. Jump higher. Fly free." Which one of those relates to you the most, and why? (as it relates to your personal life or professional life or future dreams)?

A: I've always been a big visionary – dreaming big no matter the odds. And I have a competitive streak. So I try to embrace all of these mantras – continually building on each step or leap previous to learn, get better, and take off.

Q: Tell us and the world about you and who you are (this can include your role, brand, and elevator pitch/mission statement if you have one).

A: I'm a national award-winning barista, and I sold my car for $5000 to start the only cold brew coffee company in the United States that is also owned, led and founded by an award-winning woman in my industry. Slingshot wasn't born from a trend – we helped to create an entire category before the world even knew what Cold Brew was. We specialize in crafting the highest quality, organic, single origin cold coffees available at fine retailers – big and small – around the country.

I've had a lot of unique experiences in my life – growing up on a 300 acre vegetable farm, working in the music industry, waiting tables in a little hometown diner. And I think one of my better traits is my ability to find joy in the simplest of things. But no matter the experience, all of them are marked by tastes, aromas, sights, sounds… down to the way the air feels on my skin. And a common thread that ties the days together is beverages. I truly believe whether it's coffee or any other drink of choice, what we drink can define the tiniest moments or anchor the most soulful memories. Those experiences are a celebration of our purpose at Slingshot: make beverages to make someone's day. And it's my truest privilege to do so.

Q: What is your go-to coffee order?

A: Black coffee. Cold, please.

P.F. Flyers x Jenny Bonchack

Q: What is your favorite P.F. Flyers sneaker (style/color)?

A: Center Lo in Antique White. That thin red stripe on the rubber and those two tiny red stitches near the top? Perfection.

Q: What's one thing people don't know about you?

A: I'm quite musical! I won the John Philip Sousa award and a small scholarship in high school for playing the trumpet. And I also got to sing harmony with Liz Phair on "Perfect World" backstage at her show at Bogarts in Cincinnati once. I'll never forget it. She probably has zero recollection, which makes complete sense.

Q: In your journey as a small-batch, ready-to-drink coffee company, who have been some of the influential figures or mentors you've looked up to in the coffee industry? How have they shaped your approach to coffee and business?

A: There are a lot of unsung folks in the coffee industry who are moving the industry forward "behind the scenes" (s/o to one of my favorites, Kim Elena Ionescu), but I've also looked to a lot of female entrepreneurs/figures in different spaces and industries for inspiration. From food and beverage entrepreneurs (who run businesses from tiny to massive), to musicians, to comedians, to chefs, to people in my own community who are simply leading by example. But truth be told, I've not always slowed down enough/got out of my own head enough to simply observe, and I've not always been confident enough to ask questions of the these people who I admire. Ten years into this journey and that is still an achilles heel.

Q: What are your thoughts on the new experimental processing methods coming about in the coffee industry? Where do you see them moving in the future?

A: Experimentation is part of the fabric of creation. So much discovery and ideation comes from the people who are at the core – the people who are doing the work daily. In this case, coffee farmers. Experimentation in processing often manifests itself in some kind of amorphous geekery at a roastery or coffee shop well beyond origin, which is fantastic. But like in any company of any size, experimentation often takes curiosity, time and money. I think there's a lot of coffee farmers out there with really great ideas from their lived experiences who don't even have a chance to put their ideas to the test because they don't have at least a combination of those three to get ideas out there.

I hope that any experimentation – in processing, in growing, in harvesting – can somehow lead to the one thing that matters most in the entire equation: the crisis of climate change that continues to plague farmers around the world.

P.F. Flyers x Jenny Bonchack

Shop The Center Allston in Black

Q: If you could do everything over again, what would you do differently?

A: Lately I've been contemplating the fine line between learning from experience and regret. I'm not sure it's about doing things over again so much as it's about doing it differently next time. Sometimes in life you learn those lessons early on and you can chart a new course. Sometimes you don't, and it can be costly. I have a tendency to get so caught up in the analysis of detail and perfection that I fail to zoom out in a way that encourages me to observe bigger picture correlations that could reframe my thinking, prompt deeper curiosity and ask better questions.

Q: What product or service that you sell is your favorite?

A: Our Classic Cold Brew was our OG and it's my favorite to this day. It's a single-origin Ethiopian coffee that is light, bright, juicy and fruity – it's just delicious.

Q: What have been the biggest challenges you've faced as a female entrepreneur, and how have you overcome them?

A: I will always stand on the soapbox of funding for women-founded businesses – or rather, the lack of. If you haven't heard by now that women-founded businesses receive less than 2% of all venture capital available, now you have. It's actually at its lowest rate in 10 years. But women have ways of breaking barriers regardless, and that is endlessly inspiring. I'm lucky to have some supportive folks in my corner, but a check is not a silver bullet. Support isn't just about dollars – it's about an entire ecosystem that has to come from men and women alike to level the playing field. Women are magical, smart, resourceful, resilient, powerful and just plain amazing. I'm honored to be buoyed by that spirit and energy every single day.

Q: What advice would you give to other women who are aspiring to start their own business?

A: Guidance is one thing, advice is another – hone your instinct to know which should come from whom.

P.F. Flyers x Jenny Bonchack


Reflecting on Jenny's journey, she emphasizes the importance of community support and the ongoing fight for equality in entrepreneurship. With a deep-rooted belief that women can and will break barriers, she encourages aspiring business leaders to trust their instincts and seek guidance wisely. As we continue to embrace our mantra of "Run faster. Jump higher. Fly free," Jenny's story inspires us to push boundaries and elevate our dreams, one sip at a time. Join us in celebrating her journey and the incredible impact of women in business—together, we can all soar to new heights.

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