Field Of Dreams

Field Of Dreams

Step onto the field where dreams are forged and legends are born, not in the bright lights of major leagues but in the heart of a local sandlot. In this exclusive Q&A, we sit down with the colorful characters of a ragtag baseball team: the Raleigh Reapers. Discover what drives these underdogs, hear their unforgettable stories, and gain insight into how a group of ordinary players are crafting their own extraordinary journey. Get ready to dive into the world where baseball isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life.

P.F. Flyers x Raleigh Reapers

Q: Our personal mantra is: "Run Faster. Jump Higher. Fly Free." Which one of those relates to the Raleigh Reapers the most, and why? (as it relates to your personal life or professional life or future dreams)?

A: Fly free! We’re not the fastest and we’re definitely not the most athletically gifted squad, but we play with a ton of heart. You can see it on the field and in every one of our plays. When we play we honestly feel like kids again—Long days or summer running around with nothing going on, no work, no bills, no cares in the world.

Q: How would you define Raleigh Reapers’ style as a team?

A: Rag tag

We are just like the kiddos in the Sandlot movie—We have a few Benny’s, definitely got a Ham, multiple Squints, a bunch of Smalls, and the rest. WE ARE THE DEFINITION OF RAG TAG, MISFITS, MOTLEY CRUE, THE BAD NEWS BEARS… All dreaming if we hit it just right we can be just like THE BABE.

Q: Tell our Flyers about Raleigh Reapers, who you are, and how you're changing the game in your niche/world/domain? Or, how your team wants to in the future?

A: We’re a group of folks from the Raleigh/Durham, NC area who have a shared love for baseball. I’m not sure we can take much credit for changing the game, but we’re giving it our own NC Sandlot spin. I think the biggest thing to look at is the money we’ve been able to raise for our local communities through hosting the Sandlot Revival for the last few years. Being able to help fund teams and scholarships for the youth means the world to us.

As you saw in the previous answer we are coming from all walks of life. Many of us have kids, 9-5 jobs, mortgages (we’re so old, so lame), some of us are incredible artists, own businesses, play DND, and run Godzilla panels. We are very cool and very uncool and probably a little weird.

We’re not sure we can take much credit for changing the game, but we’re giving it our own NC Sandlot spin. Besides making this a kinder and more welcoming sport, a tangible thing to point to is the money we raised for our local communities. Being able to help fund teams and scholarships for the youth is something we strived to do every season.

P.F. Flyers x Raleigh Reapers

Q: What is your team’s favorite P.F. Flyers sneaker (style/color), if you had to vote on one?

A: It’s gotta be the black 1993’s, FINAL ANSWER. At our last Revival game, our man Paul Tuorto hit a triple and guess what shoes he was rocking (P.F. Black 1993). Dude looked like THE JET! Coincidence? Its gotta be the shoes!

Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about your team?

A: The Reapers were the first original Raleigh Sandlot team. We were a team even before there was a collective. Not to toot our own horn without the Reapers and the CSC there would only be softball and men’s leagues in our city.

Q: What inspired the creation or revival of your sandlot baseball team, Raleigh Reapers? How long has your team been around?

A: We probably sound like a broken record, but for most folks who play, inspiration is steeped in the love of the game.

That said our story dates all the way back in 2016 with the first Reapers, Scott Chalkley and Jon Colon. Scott played with the Austin Grackles and LOVED what they were doing at the LONG TIME—when he moved to Raleigh he brought those sandlot concepts with him. Jon came up with the Reapers’ name and together they started the Carolina Sandlot Collective and formed the first roster of the Raleigh Reapers, named after the famous Carolina Reaper Pepper. After a handful of up and down years Scott handed the CSC/Reaper keys to Tyler Northrup who expanded the collective and founded the annual Sandlot Revival event in Durham.

We have been here for a little over 7 years, but we really hit our stride 3 years ago, and there is no end in sight. There’s no pay, or championship, or renown… All of this is for the love of the game.

Q: What does being a part of the Carolina Sandlot Collective baseball mean to you? How long have you been involved?

A: Being part of the CSC means Community, plain and simple. For many of us that means we are a part of something bigger than our profession, and it’s something we have legitimate passion for. It’s different than most organized sport and comes with a real sense of pride.

Most of the players are playing to their strength or history of play (run fast, throw hard, good at catching, etc.). Ultimately the choice is yours and what you prefer/feel comfortable doing. A handful of us have never played baseball or competitive team sports until now so there is definitely a learning curve on certain positions. Though when it comes down to it we are all down to play whatever is needed at the time.

P.F. Flyers x Raleigh Reapers


This sandlot team isn’t just about winning games; they’re about building community and preserving the essence of baseball. As the first team to be a part of The Carolina Sandlot Collective, they’ve become pioneers in a place where passion outweighs perfection. It's about the shared joy of the game, the friendships forged on the field, and the sense of belonging that turns every practice and every match into a cherished memory. In a world where the big leagues often overshadow the simple pleasures of sandlot baseball, this team proves that sometimes the most meaningful victories are found in the heart of the game itself.

Q: If our Flyers are interested in learning more about how they can get involved with sandlot baseball in their city, where should they go or what should they do?

A: We noticed that Instagram has been all a buzz with tons of sandlot activity and content. Not sure if it’s our algorithm or divine intervention, but our IGs have been seriously blowing up with teams that are literally in every town, city, and state. So wherever you are, search for (insert city name here) + sandlot and give those friends a follow. Then once you are BFFs drop them a DM and ask them if they have open practice, which most of them do. There is a legit unspoken mandatory mellowness in most sandlot teams.

Q: Who's your favorite character in 'The Sandlot' and why?

A: Man that whole squad is our squad. We secretly sent a Sandlot personality quiz to the team to answer this question and most of them were thinking they were Bennys, but we know the truth they are all straight up Hams and Squints and Smalls. All good though let’s go with Hercules as our fav. Just a big misunderstood slobbering softy. He's the bestest boy!

Q: Where do you play, and how can Flyers support your Raleigh Reapers?

A: We play in one of our public city parks called Lions Park (field #4). Honestly this interview and the shoot you did with us and our fellow CSC teams at the Revival were a huge help. If people are looking for more ways to support us, come out and join us! Folks can come join us out on the field at an open sandlot gathering, or come to a game and have a good time watching a bunch of folks play baseball for fun.

ALSO! You can support us by buying some sweet, sweet Reaper merch! We have an online store! We’re so legit!

Q: What are some of the most memorable moments or milestones in Raleigh Reapers’ history?

A: Organizing three Revivals and raising over 15k for The Long Ball Program at the legendary Historic Durham Athletic Park (of Bull Durham fame), playing a game on the Field of Dreams (the very same Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner), the Battle for Ocracoke Island (a new annual game held on Ocracoke Island, NC), and soon we will be playing at that famous field in Austin, TX - THE LONGTIME

Q: Can you share any interesting or inspiring stories about the players?

A: There are seriously so many stories from every single player, but the most poignant has to be our teammate, John Bosco’s family story. His daughter was born with a congenital heart defect that required surgery when she was three days old. At two months old, she experienced cardiac arrest and spent the next eight months in Duke's Pediatric Cardiac ICU, where she underwent several more procedures. Fortunately Norma Rose recently received a heart transplant that allowed her to finally come home! And through that whole difficult time in between all the procedures and days and months spent in the hospital, our team and local sandlot community were there to give John a moment of respite from what is truly an extremely difficult situation. We celebrate that story of hope and perseverance in a stitched patch that we wear on our newest jerseys, it depicts a rose with NORMA written across it!

P.F. Flyers x Raleigh Reapers

Q: How has being part of Raleigh Reapers affected your life outside of baseball?

A: We honestly find it really hard to capture the impact, but for many this has been a way to find community, friendship, job opportunities, and combat the personal struggles of everyday life. Its therapy, its church, its gym, its a passion project, its just a truly amazing moment to run around with some good folks, touch grass, and be a kid again even if its for 1 hour or 2 every weekend. It’s a beautiful thing.

Q: What personal achievements or milestones within the team are you most proud of?

A: We have plenty of accomplishments, but some of the highlights this year are: at our annual Sandlot Revival this past April we helped raise $7000 for the Long Ball Program (a youth baseball program and non-profit in Durham), we turned 3rd base coaching into an artform (complete with Reaper costumes, candy dispersal, its like halloween every inning! ) and we once scored an infield home run on a complete miscommunication between the runner and the base coaches (classic Reapers).

A2: I can coach third base like no other. Whether I’m in uniform, dressed in a cloak with scythe, or handing out candy to teammates while on third, every one of my teammates knows they are running home and better bring their wheels and get ready to slide!

Q: What makes the Raleigh Reapers sandlot team unique or different from other sandlot teams?

A:For one we probably have more parents, especially of young children, than any other team around, and those children add up to a number greater than the number of players we have on our roster-which can make it uniquely difficult for us to get all of our players in one spot at any given time! Most sandlot teams are made up of players with a diverse range of experience and skill levels, but we may be unique in just how diverse that range is amongst our squad-and that’s something we take real pride in. And of course every sandlot team would likely say the same thing about their squad, but we really are convinced that our teammates are the best around!

Q: What does it mean to be a “Reaper”?

A: Being a Reaper means playing for fun, first and foremost. It means not taking the game too seriously, being gracious to everyone on the field, and making space for everyone to enjoy the game.

Q: What is the thing that your team Reaps the most?

A: Ws BABY! Lol nah JK, we reap the benefits of being outside with the like minded, kind, and wonderful people of this exceptional community. And to quote one of our stickers (which you can buy in the online store we mentioned!) we SOW LOVE and we REAP PRIDE!

P.F. Flyers x Raleigh Reapers


From parents cheering from the sidelines, to players lifting each other up, and a community that shows up no matter what—these are the cornerstones of this team's journey. It's a testament to the power of collective spirit, where every game is a chance to sow seeds of love and camaraderie, only to reap a harvest of pride and fulfillment. In the end, it’s the unwavering support and shared dedication that make every moment on the field truly unforgettable for the Raleigh Reapers.

*These answers are a collaborative effort from Bobby Parrish, Tyler Northrup, Gino Reyes, and Lainey Chiarizia! Thank you guys!

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