Meet the Flyers Club: Taylor Meadows

Taylor Meadows

The Flyers Club is a group we created to celebrate people in our community with big ideas and even bigger personal style. We’re here to get to know YOU and share the people, places, and things that inspire you.

This week’s Flyers Club feature is Taylor Meadows. Taylor leads marketing at Happy Dirt in Raleigh, North Carolina, a group committed to making local and organic produce more accessible to people throughout North America. Her style is inspired by classic pieces, and when it comes to fashion, Taylor is all about comfort. A former theater kid, a world traveler, and the ultimate people connector, Taylor loves building community wherever she goes. When she’s not working, you can find her spending time outside in her flower garden.

Taylor Meadows

Favorite PF Flyers sneaker?

This is hard! I wear my All American Hi in sea salt at least 3 times a week. I just added the Allston hi tops in sea salt into the rotation, and I would say my love for both is equal.

Shop Hi Tops

“Sneakers SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, honey!”

Describe yourself in three words

Connector. Expressive. Empathetic.

What’s one thing people don’t know about you?

I am more comfortable being on stage than I am going to an event by myself. I was in theater in high school and practiced some in college. Because I was able to perform in front of big audiences, everyone assumed I was extroverted. While I do have extroverted tendencies and can engage with anyone, I am actually quite shy and introverted. The stage was always a safe place for me. That fourth wall was EVERYTHING. To this day, I dread going to an event alone. If you see me at an event observing the crowd with a plate of food in my hand and a warm smile on my face, know that I am most likely lost in thought behind a fourth wall.

What’s one thing everyone knows about you?

Everyone knows that I always have a story to tell that I wish I was creative enough to make up.

Vintage or new?


Style inspiration?

When I was younger, I loved Jackie Kennedy Onassis style. One of the many reasons I interned for Carolina Herrera was because she designed a few pieces for Jackie O. Her style still inspires me.

What’s your current music obsession?

Billy Strings and Kate Rhudy. Kate Rhudy is a dear friend of mine and an extremely talented musician in Raleigh, NC.

Black or white?


How do you define style?

My stylist friend defined my style as “curated trendy neutral.” My personality is too colorful to wear a lot of color. I have to balance things out.

Something you learned way later than you should have?

That multiple emotions can exist at once. You can experience grief and gratitude at the same time. You can hold space for both.

“Everyone knows that I always have a story to tell that I wish I was creative enough to make up.”

Biggest risk you’ve taken?

Leaving an agency job to work for myself. I played the final countdown song 3 minutes before I went into my boss’ office to put in my notice.

Biggest fashion risk you’ve taken?

I found myself on the red carpet at Rwanda’s Fashion Week (don’t even ask me how). The host put the microphone in my face and asked me this same question. I said, “When I was in fourth grade, I wore a red Christmas sweatshirt with a bear on it and a purple fanny pack.” That was clearly not the answer he was looking for. He awkwardly laughed, as I spun around to show off my skirt. That being said, I have taken many fashion risks since I was a 9 year old gal.

One thing about you that would surprise your childhood self

That I have traveled to some of the most unique places in the world.

Vacation or staycation?


Best Instagram/TikTok account you follow?

@farmercee on Instagram and @eastforkpottery

Last book you read?

The Red Tent

Dream job if money didn’t matter?

I would start a company that focuses on bridging rural and urban North Carolina through storytelling, education, and events.

Location of your dream vacation?

I dream to visit my friend in Laos.

The food, place, or song that makes you feel nostalgic

Watchhouse’s Coming Down From Green Mountain and apple butter

The outfit you’re most comfortable in?

High-waisted jeans (I don’t understand why we tried to make low-waist jeans happen again), crop top in the summer and my white Birkenstocks

This year, I really want to…

be part of the Leadership North Carolina program, as well as take a writing class from Redbud Writing Project so I can write a piece for The Bitter Southerner.

Sneakers 7 days a week or only on the weekends?


PF Flyers Sneakers


One thing you’re a real nerd about?


A fact, quote, or piece of advice you’re obsessed with


Tell us (and the world) about YOU, who you are, and how you’re changing the game in your niche/world/domain



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